Be Still

Faith, as defined in general terms, is an allegiance to a duty or person, fidelity to ones promises, belief and trust in God, a firm belief in something of which there is no proof, and complete trust.

Over the course of this blog, we will explore together how each aspect of faith, or a lacking of faith, affects our lives in both good and bad ways. 

 It touches our salvation, our fulfillment, our relationships, our family, and our confidence to continue toward the goal that we have set before us; even in the face of adversity, all require faith.  Increasing our “faith” will have positive effects on every part of our lives. 

Faith, in all it’s forms, plays an important role and touches every aspect of our life.  Without faith, we have no hope.  Without faith, our relationships would suffer.  Without faith, we would have no confidence in God and no hope for Heaven.  We would be unable to completely place our entire life, hopes, and dreams in the hands of God.

The definition I am choosing to focus on today is faith as a belief and trust in God in the face of uncertainty.

We are definitely living in uncertain times.  During these times of our life, we can do one of two things.  We can live in constant fear - trying to make sense of trouble (which is an impossible task) OR we can accept what we don’t understand and place our trust in God in spite of the uncertainty.

Psalm 46 does a great job of proving that we can put our trust in God during times of uncertainty. 

Verse 1 states that He is “our refuge and strength, a VERY PRESENT help in our troubles”.  VERY PRESENT - He is in our presence and He is ready to help us in our time of need - in our troubles.  “Therefore, we do not fear”, because of our faith in God.   “When our earth is being shaken, mountains are looming in our way, and the waters of life roar about us”, the Lord is with us and He is our refuge. 

Psalms 16:11 tells us that “in His presence there is fullness of joy”.  He has promised to be in our presence in our times of need.  Therefore, we will have joy, even in the uncertain times.  

Psalms 46:10 is the most comforting for me when I am experiencing anxiety of situations out of my control.  BE STILL!  “Be still, and know that I am God”.  Sit back, rest in His presence, and let your faith in God become active.  Being still, means to not be anxious over worry.  Not trying to figure our own way out of any situation or circumstance.  This can be hard, especially in uncertainty, because we are constantly trying to figure out the problem and the resolution.  And, when we cannot, we become a wreck!  

Nevertheless, be still; let a stillness of rest cover your mind, your emotions, and your life.  Tell it to God, then sit back and rest in His wisdom, His time, and His answer.  God will be exalted in ALL problems of our life, in every situation that we encounter which seems larger than what we can handle.  God will be exalted, because He, “the Lord of hosts is with us”.  He is present.

Author - Sean Townes

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