Is God Trustworthy?

Is God Trustworthy?

Our faith must be built on a firm relationship with the Lord.  

This requires complete trust on our behalf. 

Before we can fully trust someone, a big question begs to be answered.  

Is this person trustworthy?

We can do the same with God!  We can determine if He is trustworthy. 


Trusting God is a matter of knowing who He is, what his character is, and his looking into his past faithfulness.

Who is God?

1. God is love – This is not a byproduct of God, it is absolutely who he is.  I John 4:8 tells us that GOD IS LOVE. 
2. His Love Is everlasting – Jeremiah 31:3 “Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.”  His love is so strong and everlasting, that even when we feel we are unlovable, or feel we have somehow done something to no longer be loved by him, his everlasting love reaches out to us and draws us in closer to him.
3. God is Faithful – Deut 7:8-9 shows us that in his faithfulness He kept his oath to us and redeemed us out of the house of bondage we were in.  Because of his faithfulness, He will keeps his covenant and He will keep his mercy toward us.  1 Thessalonians 5:24 tells us - He that called us will be faithful and He will complete our calling in Him.  He will bring us through whatever we need to go through in order to preserve us unto His coming.
4. God is unchanging – Malachi 3:6 the Lord states, “I am the Lord, I change not…”  His plans and promises for us do not change.  The paths we take may be different from time to time, the test will be hard at times, but the outcome will be based on his design for each one of us. To bring us to that “expected end”.   Because God is unchanging, this simply means He is DEPENDABLE, and we can trust him.
5. God is wise – Romans 11:33 “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!  How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!”  True wisdom understands all the facts and sees the end from the beginning. God, in his wisdom, plans our path and there is nothing that is going to catch him by surprise – so we can fully trust him and the path He has for us, because He sees it all and has planned the perfect path.
6. God is Just – Deuteronomy 32:4 “He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.” This does not just mean fair, it means that He is going to do right and good toward you.  We can go through all our trials and tribulations with confidence, because He is just.  We can have confidence in the purpose and outcome of the trial.
7. God is Merciful – Romans 9:15 “…I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” Because of God’s great mercy, we can trust that when we fail, and we will fail at times, that we can still trust in God’s love because of his mercy.  His mercy will reach down and pick us up and dust us off.  He will continue to work his plan of salvation in our lives.

Past Faithfulness - 

Experiences can also be used to prove we can trust God. 

Now that we know who He is, we can look back and know that if He has brought us out of problems before, and if He has provided before, then He will do so again. 

So remembering his past faithfulness is important in our trust of God.

1 Chronicles 16:12 “Remember his marvelous works that he hath done, his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth” 

In Joshua 3 and 4, the Israelites were on their pilgrimage into the Promised Land and the Jordan stood in their way;  he caused them to cross over on dry ground.  When they all were crossed over, Joshua commanded them to build a memorial right there. This was to remind them, and their children after them, that God provided a way for them to cross.    

As the Lord brings us through our problems, and with every victory we experience, we should build a memorial in our minds.  This way we will never forget what He has done.  

So when times are hard or you’re in the valley, think back and remember what the Lord has done and how He has delivered you time and time again.  He brought you out and caused you to “cross over on dry ground”.   

Then rehearse and tell others what He has done for you and how He has been faithful!

When we rehearse God’s faithfulness to others, it does 2 things -

1. It helps us to remember what He has done.

2. It helps others increase their faith in God, knowing that if He has done it for others, the He will also do it for them. 


Author - Sean Townes  

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