Cancerous Conditions
CANCER.   It’s a BIG, SCARY word, am I right??!

I imagine that after the shock of hearing this terrible news wears off a person starts seeking a treatment.  They start asking the doctors what the next step is.  Some people start looking for a natural way to approach their healing by changing their eating habits – removing sugar from their diet (which feeds cancer) and even changing their daily routines.  Many people find that in this type of situation it draws them closer to God, as they’re crying out to Him in a way they never have before.  

Recently, I heard a friend talk about her cancer and how she had received TARGETED therapy for that cancer.   The therapy LITERALLY targeted that one cancer cell and BLASTED it.  She used the analogy of targeted therapy to explain how God can blast sin or any other issue that we’re struggling with from our lives.  What a beautiful thought!  So many things in our lives can act as a cancer that will eat us up and destroy us.  Sin, idolatry, love of money, discontentment, and so much more.  Thankfully, we serve a wonderful God -  a God that can do ANYTHING!  It truly doesn’t matter where we are in life – He’ll meet us there!

As I was lying in my bed last night, my mind began to wonder about pre-cancerous conditions.  Not in the body necessarily, but in our lives.  We have the choice to choose between LIFE and DEATH – spiritually speaking.  Deuteronomy 30:19 - “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore CHOOSE LIFE, that both thou and thy seed may live:”

I recently had a procedure done and they found some tissue that could have been pre-cancerous or cancerous.  They removed it immediately during this procedure, which is their normal routine.   The reason they do this is because they KNOW this type of tissue can become cancerous within a short period of time.  They remove it and then send it off to be biopsied.   As it turns out, the tissue they removed was pre-cancerous.   You  can imagine how relieved I was to know they had removed this tissue, because it was something that could have been a bigger  issue in the next few years.  

Our lives are much the same way aren’t they?  We can begin to let pre-cancerous things develop in hearts and minds.   We start to feed those things in the very same way that sugar feeds a cancer.  

We get bitter about certain things that happen, and instead of praying about those things and letting God handle them, we feed those thoughts with more bitterness until that pre-cancerous thought becomes a cancerous thought that eats away at our lives.  

We get caught up in other people’s lives and what THEY’RE doing and the choices THEY’RE making instead of worrying only about our own lives, and we sow that first pre-cancerous thought.  Every time we see that person, we feed that pre-cancerous thought with more thoughts until finally it becomes a cancer that weighs us down and eats us up just a little bit more.

We get lost in the disappointments of this life – friends abandon us, loved ones fail us, life doesn’t go as we had planned – and we plant pre-cancerous “woe is me” thoughts in our minds.  We start feeding those thoughts every time we see something that we THINK is better than what we have - the mom that’s got it all together, the family that seems to have all their finances in order and is achieving all their dreams, the friend that has the perfect family scenario, the friend that has an amazing career, etc.  We keep FEEDING those pre-cancerous thoughts until they become what?  You guessed it --- CANCEROUS!

I could go on and on with scenarios, but I digress.

What if we asked God to show us those pre-cancerous areas in our lives so that we could REMOVE them before they become cancerous?   There may even be things in our lives that we don’t KNOW are pre-cancerous – just like that tissue they removed.  The doctor didn’t know for SURE if it was pre-cancerous, but JUST IN CASE, he removed it.  What if we began removing things from our lives JUST IN CASE?  What if we really started seeking the Lord and asking Him to show us how we can do better, how we can live better, how we can be cancer free??

We can have more peace in our lives when we remove those pre-cancerous things.  Pre-cancerous thoughts and actions have so many repercussions.  They will eventually destroy us!  

We can’t live this life WELL if we have pre-cancerous things weighing us down.  

So what will you choose today?    LIFE or DEATH?

2 Corinthians 10:5 - “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and BRINGING INTO CAPTIVITY EVERY THOUGHT to the obedience of Christ.”
Phil 4:8 - “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, THINK ON THESE THINGS.”

Prov 23:7 - “For as he THINKETH IN HIS HEART, SO IS HE...”


Author: Amanda Townes

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