What are you truly thankful for today? 

Can you think of at least 10 things?

Whatever situation we find ourselves in - we need to be thankful.  

Philippians 4:11b says “...for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, there with to be content.”  

Thankfulness helps us appreciate what we have - instead of dwelling on what we don’t have.  It helps us look at things differently.  It helps us to dwell on the positive.

Thankfulness is such a powerful source of inspiration if we would just use it!  

By being thankful, we can start to see the beauty in things that we’ve never seen before.  Quite possibly, we’ll see all those things that we’ve been missing in our day to day life - the things we might even be taking for granted. 

If we go back to verse 8 in Phil 4 we read, “Finally, bretheren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”  

We’re suppposed to dwell on the positive.  On the beautiful things.  On the good things.  

We need to keep our mind focused on the RIGHT things.  

Being thankful can change our lives.

In hard times, it can help to change our focus.  It’s easy to dwell on the negativity - but when we’re focused on the negative then we’ll just see MORE negativity.  Adversely, if we focus on the positive, then we’ll see more positive.  We’ll start to see the silver lining in everything - even in the hard times.

If we go back a few more verses in Philippians 11, to verses 6-7, we read, “Be careful for nothing; but in EVERYTHING by prayer and supplication with THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known unto God.  And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

The PEACE of God! 

Being thankful can give us peace!!    

We’ll start to have a peace that‘s not  determined by what situation we’re in.  It’s not determined by the problems of life.  But it’s a peace that passes ALL understanding. 

Studies have  shown that being thankful makes you a happier person!  Who doesn’t want to be happier??!

Thankfulness will strengthen our faith!  If WE can be truly grateful for everything that God has done in our lives, for everything He’s given us, and even for every problem, then our faith will be strengthened.    We have an assurance that whatever we go through we will come out victorious because God is on our side and we can have faith in HIM.   Being thankful BUILDS our faith.

So what are you thankful for today?  

YouTube video here - https://youtu.be/WYmYuWRiUFM

Author - Amanda Townes

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